

There is so much irony in life it's, at times, unbelievable. So far everyone I have been with has had a problem with someone drinking. Be it a father who over drinks, a mother, a friend, or someone they knew in there past that has done that and has caused the person I am with to have a problem with drinking. I understand people having an issue with others that take it to an extreme and become, without a better way of stating it, an ass.

However, my issue arises when that person with the issue then, without taking into consideration, another person being able to "handle" thier liqour/alcohol intake and not become one of the aforementioned people.

I am not, nor have I ever or will be an alcoholic. I despise the lack of control and overall ineptitude of the said discrection.

That being said, I loathe even more, being treated as an alocholic despite showing none of the same actions, nor the lack of control as the people mentioned before. I can have drinks of beer or liqour and still know my limit. I can still function as if I am sober, and not endanger myself or others while drinking. So with that being said, I abhor being treated as something other then what I am being.

People may have problems with others drinking, but I am not them. I do not need to be treated like I AM THEM.

This is just some bullshit ramblings I am needing to get off my chest in the most non-abrasive way that I can forsee.

I hate this. I really do. This has always been a thing in my life. The most ironic thing about all of this is the fact I AM NOT A DRINKER. I DO NOT DRINK THAT OFTEN. Yet when I do I get do deal with the bullshit of others mishaps and the overall look and attitudes of people who have dealt with alocoholics and being treated like I am one.

Just fucking UGH. Don't get me wrong. I love the woman I am with. She is the best. She's the most loving, wonderful, kind hearted, will brighten up the entire room kind of woman.

It just hurts. I am not that type of person to lose control and let alcohol affect me. So I wanted to have a couple of jack and cokes. I'm at home, writing this, and not out on the road drinking or driving. I'm not out at the bar hitting on other females. I'm not sloppy, the fucking walls are being bullies type of drunk.. so why am I being looked at and viewed as if I am that type of person JUST BECAUSE PAST PEOPLE HAVE BEEN.

This I will never understand.

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